Monthly close and insurance

Accountants Bulgaria is one of most competent and reliable companies in this area in whole country – undoubtedly good choice for important issues like monthly close of any business and matters of wages and security. Although many entities have bookkeepers as a part of their staff, news in the obligatory insurance are coming out on a daily basis in recent times. So it is better for any company to gain some help and support from outside professionals to be sure about correct leading of payrolls, submitting information about the employees insurance and monthly close of accounts.

The balance of revenue and expense is main focus of monthly close. Company that looks for growth and well trusted legal status has to go through this standard procedure which is the basis of following full and correct Annual financial report. Checking accounts of goods and services is essential every time and so are wage accounts, VAT imports and refunds, depreciation of commodity, etc. Relying only on timely updated software might not be enough, the expertise of well prepared specialist is guarantee of proper going through every details and this is where Accountants Bulgaria can have crucial involvement. Correct monthly close secures the bookkeeping data of the company.

Investing in Bulgaria – the new opportunity for business

The economy in Bulgaria is growing fast and it is presenting as a very friendly destination for foreign investments.


- The Bulgarian government takes different measures to make the country attractive for investors: the price of creating a company is lowered; tax system is profitable for foreign investors. There is a fixed corporate tax of 10 % but if investors chose a less industrialized regions or places with high percent of unemployment the tax could be reduced and they could be subsidies on social security payments.

-        The company could be owned by legal entity and the minimum capital that should be deposit is 1 euro.

-        The unemployment is very high and the salary level is low. The health and social security personnel insurance payment are also low.

-        The level of education and skills of the workforce is high.

-        It is very low cost of living in comparison to EU member states.

-        The country is a member of European Union and its legislation is synchronized to EU directives. And also the investors have access to EU funds.

-        It a strategic geographical position.

-        If you invest in Bulgaria after that you can expand more easily in all Europe.

-        For foreign citizens outside the EU who want to invest in Bulgaria are eligible for permanent residence permit if they make investment over BGN 1,000,000.

Foreign investment in Bulgaria

Foreign investment levels have risen up in Bulgaria for the past 20 years and certain economic areas actually have flourished because of cash flow coming from outside the country. Numerous companies have come to the country and put their money in some business gaining advantages of favorable labor market and variety of options in real estate.

Whole investment foundation has to be clean and neat and most of companies stepping for a first time on this soil want to play by the rules. Therefore everybody needs a proper financial, legal and accounting starting position. And this is when the big reliable firms for bookkeeping and financial consulting are taken up on stage. A foreign investor could choose to make moves in wide spectrum of activities, but no matter if it is about outsourcing, real estate, construction business or even the capital market, the need of help of experts in both public and European legislation is inevitable.Especially when there are money coming from European Union in for exact purpose, every step of the way has to be strict and well placed.

E Commerce Accounting and VAT services

Our company provides one stop shop e-commerce accounting and vat services in EU. We offer accounting and legal support for e commerce sales companies, including registered address, bank accounts, internet banking, payroll , staff management, virtual offices, annual tax returns. 

Bulgaria has the best tax regime in Europe for internet located business, e commerce, and on-line sales of all characters. 

The running costs of the VAT regstered BG company are the best posible in EU.

Financial and banking advice

Hiring professional from Accountants Bulgaria is a service that pays off if it is entrusted to experienced and competent professional or team of professionals. Business situation in the country dynamic and prone to change fast, so the accounting service has to move well according to ups and downs of the things going on and always pay attention to the specifics of the enterprise it serves to.

To be sure about proper bookkeeping any firm that aims for growing and prosperity needs to rely on proved experts. If you don’t have one on board, it is better to seek advice and support from accounting firm and consulting agency with experience and good reputation. Regardless of what is the type of the business theoretical and practical knowledge is essential to manage matters like accounts, tax planning, payrolls to help it grow strong and be competitive. In most cases a business entity is complex structure and it needs effective management of the resources. Trained and experienced professionals could have better look of what cut in expense has to be made to help the development of the whole business.

Good planning of finances is important not only for growth, it could be vital for the very existence of a company in a world that is hit by crisis time and time again. Never underestimate the need of financial and banking advice and for such in Bulgaria you need at least one expert accountant to keep work going on in right direction even if the company is foreign.

Office Sofia
Sofia 1000, BULGARIA
4 "Vitosha" Boulevard
++359 2 980 01 544
++359 888 403262
Office Burgas
Burgas 8000, BULGARIA
2 "Vasil Aprilov" Street
++359 56 814095
++359 888 403262
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