management of companies

We will help you to obtain European VAT Number and will act as your VAT agent on the territory of Bulgaria and EU. We will manage the monthly VAT reports of your business activity in Bulgaria and also will consult you about the EU VAT aspects of your international business.


When you set up a business in Bulgaria you have the choice to register for a VAT number which will give you the right to claim back the amount of the VAT tax upon delivery of goods.

Obtaining a VAT number usually takes from 1 to 3 weeks.

Our company will make sure you are granted a European VAT number in the shortest time period possible and will manage all VAT related issues that may occur.

We will compile monthly VAT reports of your business activity in Bulgaria and will consult you about all the EU VAT related issues of your international business.

In some cases the VAT registration is obligatory! For example:

- in case you deliver services to European VAT registered companies;

- in case you buy services from non european suplier;

- in case your turnover reach 50 000 BGN for any 12 months period. The Turnover formed by local sales on the theritory of BUlgaria.

The list above is not complete. There are number of other specifick cases of compulsory VAT registration.

Our team of accountants is extremely experienced in the EU VAT matters. 

Allong with the regular VAT service we deliver services related to:

- EU MOSS system

- EU e-commerce businesses , dropshiping, etc.;

For more information please contact us via the "contact us" form on the website.


Office Sofia
Sofia 1000, BULGARIA
4 "Vitosha" Boulevard
++359 2 980 01 544
++359 888 403262
Office Burgas
Burgas 8000, BULGARIA
2 "Vasil Aprilov" Street
++359 56 814095
++359 888 403262
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